Laboratorio di Informatica Umanistica
Home arrow Latin WordNet
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Scritto da Stefano Minozzi   
Thursday 18 May 2006
Labium in collaboration with Cognitive and Communication Technologies (TCC) division of Fondazione Bruno Kessler built the semantic network for Latin language LatinWordNet, linking the database to MultiWordnet.

The database was developed by Stefano Minozzi starting from the words listed in Lessico Fondamentale Latino by E. Riganti (Bologna, 1989). The project aims to expand the words contained in the database to the whole dictionary of Classical Latin, up to the Middle ages.

LatinWordNet is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

LatinWordNet data are provided as a dump of a MySQL database. Please fill the request form with your data (they will be maintained in a database at Labium).

It is important for us to have feedback on research involving LatinWordNet: we kindly ask you to provide us with information and comments about how MultiWordNet is used.

Publications or presentations containing research results obtained through the use of MultiWordNet should cite the following reference:

  • La costruzione di una base di conoscenza lessicale per la lingua latina: LatinWordnet, in Studi in onore di Gilberto Lonardi, G. SANDRINI (cur.), Verona , Fiorini , 2008 , pp. 243-258.
  • Towards a Latin WordNet, in atti del convegno Trends in computational and formal philology Venice-Padua, May 22-24, digitally published on Lexis Online:
  • The latin WordNet Project, in Latin Linguistics Today, Akten des 15. Internationalen Kolloquiums zur Lateinischen Linguistik, Innsbruck, 4. – 9. April 2009, H. VON PETER ANREITER UND M. KIENPOINTNER (cur.), Innsbruck, 2010, pp. 703-712.

Link for requesting LatinWordNet

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